About Me

Hi! I’m Jade Smith, owner of Slumber Time Sleep Consulting located in Concord, NC. I am a former teacher, wife to an amazingly supportive husband and momma to three girls aged 3-7. I’m also a Certified Sleep Sense consultant, specializing in the ages of newborn through 8 years old. I am passionate about the importance of sleep in all people, but especially in that of children. Being an exhausted parent is not a “right of passage” and doesn’t have to be a “way of life” because you have a child. A rested child is a happy & healthy child and this is achievable for you!

My journey to becoming a sleep consultant started many years ago, honestly before I even realized what was happening. Like you, I had a baby that wouldn’t sleep well. For three months, we went back and forth on long and short sleep stretches. I’d see some light when she’d sleep for 6 hours at night and then be defeated again the very next night when she’d only sleep for 3. Naps were all over the place and as soon as I’d lay her down and start to eat or shower, she’d wake up crying and we’d start the process over. I was tired, frustrated, anxious, you name it! I knew something had to give but I wasn’t sure what or how. I made a post on my Facebook page, got some suggestions of how to help our situation, heard the words “sleep training” for the first time, found a program and immediately implemented it. I was astounded to see improvements in such a short time.

Contact Jade Smith today
for your FREE 15-minute consultation!
or send an e-mail to jade@slumbertimesleep.com

We had our babe fully sleep trained in a couple weeks. It was the most amazing thing! I just wanted to scream our success from the rooftops and that’s actually exactly what I did. When our friends started having children, I’d gift them the same sleep advice we used. My husband even did the same with his friends at work. And as those babies were born and growing through life, those same friends reached out to me for additional help. I’d coach them through and help get their babies sleeping independently like I’d done my own.

I’m a helper by nature, an Enneagram 2 if you know anything about that. I fell in love with the idea of helping other moms, talking all things “mom” with them and seeing their babies turn into happy, healthy, rested littles. It brought me immense joy hearing my friends gush over how much better *they* felt since their children were sleeping better. I’d often say “in another life, maybe I’ll become a certified consultant and make this official”. Well friends, that time is now! I’ve trained under Dana Obleman, the founder of the Sleep Sense program. I am now an educator, coach and consultant of pediatric sleep, where I continue to love on and support caregivers (and their kiddos) while I help them teach their child restorative sleep techniques and strategies.

If you feel like your sleep situation isn’t working for your family, I’m here to help! I’m here to change your life and the life of your child by helping you all become happy, healthy, rested and restored. If you would like your child to: sleep longer at night, sleep independently, transition to their own room/bed, take more/longer naps, discontinue the “bedtime battle”, or any combination of the above, please reach out so I can guide you all to a joyful Slumber Time.