Success Stories

The Sleep Sense™ Method, created by Dana Obleman in 2003, has already helped thousands of parents just like you teach their children healthy sleep habits. It was my strong belief in Dana’s system that inspired me to become a professional sleep consultant, and I look forward to helping you and your family achieve the same results that my recent clients have been enjoying. Here are some letters from them:


Jade was amazing to work with! We have a 4 year old son with anxiety who has slept with us pretty much his entire life. He never went to sleep independently for naps or bed time, one of us had to lay with him until he fell asleep. He would wake up several times at night making sure we were next to him, so none of us got a solid night’s sleep. He would have night terrors, which we learned can be from lack of sleep. Jade listened to my concerns and helped us slowly transition him from our bed, to a mat on the floor and now to his own bed, in his own room! He now goes to sleep on his own, sleeps through the night (or puts himself back to sleep if he wakes up) and stays in his bed until the designated time we set on his hippo clock. Jade is such a blessing to our family! I highly recommend Slumber Time Sleep Consulting! -Brenda, mom to 4 year old Mavrick


Working with Jade was such a treat! She brought knowledge, experience, and genuine care to the table every single day. When I came to Jade for help, I was in a really tough place where my baby would not nap independently. I was exhausted, frustrated and feeling helpless. Within less than a week, my daughter was beginning to take naps on her own, and I was experiencing relief and a fresh sense of hope. Jade was there to support us every step of the way. She created a sleep plan fully tailored to our situation and was intentional with each suggestion made throughout our training. I am so grateful for the healthy habits/routines Jade taught us, which we now implement into our daily lives for successful sleep and a happy baby! – Liz, mom to Olive age 6 months


Jade has been AMAZING to work with. With 3 kids that are different ages and personalities, I was shocked at how well she has assisted in sleep training with each one on their individual level. We are foster/adoptive parents and with the background of our children we felt we were limited in what we could do to help them become more sleep independent while also caring for their emotional needs. She was so helpful in creating flexible sleep training plans and helped us walk out each scenario. She is so knowledgeable, kind and encouraging. I absolutely loved that during the beginning of the program she replied on check-in sheet everyday and if something major was not working she was easy to get in contact with. With many sleep programs, you are handed the info and basically told “good luck” but not with Jade. She truly wants her clients both parents and the kids to succeed and you can see the evidence of that in how she handles each day! I recommend her to everyone I can!! You will not regret working with Slumber Time Sleep Consulting. -Ashlyn, mom to 3 year old Amiyah, 2 year old “T” and 5 month old Will


With our second baby we were struggling with sleep, routine and naps. It was to the point that we had anxiety going to bed knowing we’d be up 3-5 times in the night. Nap times were so short I couldn’t get anything done and was having a hard time taking care of myself and my home. After working with Jade we were able to drop nighttime feedings in a way that was gradual and worked for us. Bedtime was easier and less stressful, naps are now long and predictable and we are able to sleep through the night! Jade was so approachable, respectful and understanding to our needs, hesitations and worries and helped us with each step in such an encouraging way. I can’t recommend her enough! –Emilee, mom to 6 month old Bear


We honestly waited too long to do sleep training. Jackson is our miracle baby so both of us (mom and baby) have had separation anxiety and terrible sleep! The decision to reach out to Jade was the best my husband and I had made in awhile. Jade was very easy to talk to and learned about our family, schedule and worries. She understood us not only from a sleep consultant perspective but as a mom also. Within a week, our 11 month old was sleeping through the night and going to sleep once we put him in his crib. Jade stayed in constant contact with us which helped to not feel alone in the process. We cannot thank her enough!!! – Courtney, mom to Jackson age 11 months


I was so sleep deprived that I could not even begin to think about how to get my 3 year old to sleep. My once great sleeper had become a nightmare to put to bed, would wake up 3,4 sometimes 5 times a night and was also a complete mess during the day! Brooklyn is my 3rd child and I felt almost silly reaching out to a sleep consultant as I have done this (even successfully) 2 times before! Reaching out to Jade was the best thing I could have ever done! Jade talked to me for a very in depth interview about Brooklyn and what’s going on with her. She walked me thru the background of daytime activities and making sure I was being firm in my answers and consequences. I wasn’t! I was so tired I was giving in to everything anytime she whined…and Brooklyn knew this! I have set firm boundaries with her during the day and at nighttime. Our entire family is now well rested and we all wake up ready to greet the day (and each other) much better now! I can not recommend her enough! Brooklyn still talks about her “Mrs. Jade” and how she wants to make her happy! – Ashley, mom to 3 year old Brooklyn


Jade helped us so much these past few weeks. Before her help our 6 month old girl had inconsistent naps and her wake windows were to long making her over tired for bedtime. She would wake up 3-4 times a night often times for being hungry.

Jade’s knowledge and care for her clients are incredible. She taught my little girl to have a consistent schedule throughout the day and to go to sleep easily. My little girl sleeps very well now and I could not be more thankful. –Abby, mom to 6 month old Lexi


I was at my wits end with bedtime and naps. I would literally cry with my children when it came to bedtime. Jade helped me so much that I feel like I have my sanity back at bedtime and also have my husband back. I am sleeping in my own bed and they are sleeping in their own beds. We read books, and after we are done, they literally run to their beds and are excited to be tucked in. They sleep all night and are still to this day excited about waiting until their light turns green! I will forever be thankful for Jade and how she turned bedtime around for me and my family! -Cori, mom to twins Rylie & Pearson age 2 years 8 months


My son slept great until about six months. He was constantly sick and we were all getting interrupted. Sleep. I made mistakes, and Jade helped me correct them and break bad habits. It took a good two weeks of sleep camp, but it helped us so much. We are back to sleeping 11 to 12 hours at night. If you need a wonderful sleep consultant, that cares about her clients Jade, is your go to girl. We cannot thank her enough. – Jordan, mom to 9 month old Brody


Before working with Jade I knew that our current sleeping arrangement was dysfunctional. Bedtime was a two hour ordeal where we laid with our kids to get them to go to sleep. Then every night my youngest ended up in the bed with me and my husband ended up in the bed with my oldest to get her to go back to sleep. All four of us were exhausted and frustrated. However, I was so hesitant to do anything about it because I did not want to scar my children with sleep training and I did not want it to affect our bond. As much as I wanted rest I also loved cuddling my baby at night. I decided to go to my mom group FB page and ask for suggestions (something I never do) and as fate would have it someone tagged Jade. I immediately reached out to her and set up a consultation. Right off the bat I loved talking with her and felt encouraged by the information she shared. We signed up right away! Working our sleep program at times was challenging and there were nights I wanted to give up. But my husband and I were fully committed and with Jade’s encouragement we persisted. Now bedtime is a 15 minute routine and my kids stay in bed until 7am. Working with Jade has truly changed our lives. She has been a huge blessing to my family and was one of the best experiences we had in all of 2022!!! I would recommend her to anyone. She is so knowledgeable on the topic of sleep, but is also an experienced mother. When working with her she truly felt like my friend. If you are on the fence about working with Jade, jump in and do it! You will not regret it!! – Alexandra, mom to 3 year old Skylar & 5 year old A’Miracle


I would highly recommend working with Jade. We have been following her methods for sleep from day 1 and our son has been sleeping through the night since 7 weeks old. She is always available to answer our many questions and help personalize our routine. We will forever cherish the gift of sleep she provided us with. -Katie, mom to Kayden – age 1


Sleep training is something I always wanted to do but with each attempt I would break down, give in and just throw it all out the window. It stressed me out, peaked my anxiety, and I had no clue what I was doing. When my son was 21 months old we had our second child and both kids required my attention at the same time each night. It was then that my husband finally convinced me it was time to seek help. Thankfully, Jade was the help we found. I know without a doubt we would not be where we are with our sleep journey if not for her. My toddler went from requiring complete assistance to fall asleep and then being constantly put back to sleep throughout the night to independently laying in his bed saying “mommy, light off” and sleeping 12 hours each and every night and taking regular naps on schedule. It was like magic! Sleep training has helped with every aspect of our lives and is easily one of the absolute best decisions we have made as parents. I’m so glad we did it! Jade was consistently there for us through every step in our journey and her tips not only helped with sleep but in other aspects of our daily routine. Myself and my toddler are much happier on a daily basis because of this process and I highly recommend it to anyone considering it. Believe me, You will not regret it. -Darah, mom to Ripp- age 22 months


I’m really relieved and excited for how this program has worked for us. It was just what we needed. -Rebecca, mom to Olivia- 6 years old


Jade helped us with our son when our daughter was born, he was 20 months old and was not sleeping through the night and had consistent sleep issues up to that point. I had a lot of anxiety about sleep training and I really did not want to do it but my husband pushed me to try it. After working with Jade with our son he was able to sleep through the night and during his naptime and we were thrilled! Her process seemed very gentle and she was always so confident and reassuring. We knew then we wanted her to sleep train our daughter when the time came. When our daughter was 6 months old, Jade helped us with her sleep schedule and after 2-3 days she was sleeping in her crib 12 hours straight! She went from waking every 3-4 hours in the night to nurse and co-sleeping to independently sleeping in her crib the entire night and during her naps in the daytime. The results were absolutely unbelievable and we were so thankful! This process and the success we have had from working with Jade has made a huge difference in our time together as a family. We no longer worry or stress over sleep, we simple know what to expect and thrive in our routine. -Darah, mom to Ruthie, age 6 months


Before working with Jade, our daughter was waking during the night and coming to our room. Sometimes she would be up for a long while around 2am/3am. After sleep training, she goes to sleep quickly on her own and sleeps all night in her own bed. Jade also helped us drop the paci. I was worried about how long the process would take but it was pretty quick and straight forward. Jade was very patient and helped us problem solve when one thing wasn’t working. Eleanor is sleeping so much better through the night. She is going to sleep earlier and faster and sleeping until it is time to wake up. Her attitude is much more positive because of better sleep! I would recommend working with Jade because she saved our sanity. – Casey, mom to Eleanor- age 3


Working with Jade was absolutely life changing! Our 3 year old had never slept through the night, we’re talking taking a very long time to fall asleep and woke around 4-5 times a night. For months we brought him back to his room with no success in behavior change… until Jade! She was able to put methods in place to help us. Our 3 year old now falls asleep within minutes at bedtime and stays in his room sleeping peacefully until the early morning. Leaps and bounds improvements under her wise guidance. She’s a miracle worker! – Kati, mom to Lyndon- age 3


“Before working with Jade and starting sleep training, I never thought my son would sleep on his own. I was taking him back to his room multiple times a night every night and after following Jade’s plan we’ve seen a complete change. Our son goes to sleep so quickly now laying on his own. It’s a night and day difference I never thought possible.” -Corey, dad to Lyndon- age 3


“When I first began working with Jade, my four-month-old had been waking up every two hours all night long and was sleeping in 20-30 minute increments during the day for naps. I had tried EVERYTHING that I knew to try to get him to sleep longer. I have a two-year-old who slept through the night since he was two months old so this was new territory to me. I was at a loss. Jade created a very specific plan for my family and I to follow and within three nights, my child was sleeping 12 hours through the night. My child is now 6 months old and has slept through the night every night since then. Jade is highly educated in the area of sleep and answered all of my questions thoroughly throughout the process. I was nervous before starting but my son is happier than he has ever been now that he is getting sleep and I am too!!” -Haley, mom to Baylor- age 5 months


“If you are wondering if you should try sleep training, our family says go for it! Jade and her sleep services were recommended to us by a family member, after a discussion about sleep troubles we were having with our kids. We have a four-year-old who needed either mom or dad to fall asleep, who would get up at least once each night and many mornings be up at 530 for the day. We contacted Jade and talked about what was going on at home. Jade was understanding and made us feel comfortable and confident from the first conversation. We came up with a plan that we were all on board with. We had a daily log and checked in weekly. I was able to email or text if I had a separate question. With our permission, she introduced herself to our son. He really liked her and that made the process easier as well. Now, through the program, our son is able to put himself to sleep, sleeps through the night, and does not get up until 7 and sometimes after. This has been a great decision for our family as we are all getting more sleep. Even our littlest, I feel is having effects from the program.” -Heather, mom to 4.5 year old Clarkston


“I thought it would be years before I slept again and with Jade’s help and guidance my almost 2-year-old is sleeping through the night. And is excited to wake up in the morning.” -Laura, mom to Wyatt- age 23 months


“Jade is wonderful! She used her knowledge and her real-life experiences when working with you. She doesn’t discredit you or make you feel like you’re doing anything wrong. She encourages you and motivates you. Sleep training can be tough but she is always there for you if you need her for questions/support or need to adjust anything. The best part of it is, you’re always checking in with her. If you aren’t getting the results you want, she won’t abandon you, she will figure out the best option for you to move forward. She is kind, sweet and very relatable. She is amazing at her job! Highly recommend!!!! Thank you so much Jade, for helping me to get a better routine for my little ones and helping them sleep through the night.” -Asia, mom to twins, Hendrick & Ellis- age 13 months